Medical information for patients



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Medinfo® is being developed with the aim of providing free and easy to understand medical information and advice, such as you might get from your own doctor, on a number of common and not so common conditions.

Medinfo is written by a British general practitioner, however this is general advice and does not take into account your own individual circumstances. We hope that you will find the information helpful, but it does not replace your doctor, and if you are concerned or worried, you should refer to him or her.

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Medical conditions
Acne, angina, asthma, athlete's foot, back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, cataracts, coeliac disease, colds, conjunctivitis (pink eye), constipation, cystitis, diarrhoea and vomiting, depression, diabetes, DVT, ear wax, eczema, fever, fungal nail infections, glandular fever, golfer's elbow, gout, haemorrhoids (piles), hay fever, head lice, heartburn, heavy periods (menorrhagia), high blood pressure (hypertension), hyperthyroidism (thyrotoxicosis), hypothyroidism, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), influenza, low back pain, meningitis, migraine, norovirus (Norwalk virus), osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, middle ear infection (otitis media), outer ear infection (infective otitis externa), pelvic inflammatory disease, peptic ulcer, prostate problems, psoriasis, scabies, sciatica, shingles, sore throat, sprained ankle, sprains and strains, sub-conjunctival haemorrhage, tennis elbow, tenosynovitis, threadworm, thrush, thyrotoxicosis (hyperthyroidism), tuberculosis (TB), warts and verrucas.
Childhood ailments
Chickenpox, measles, mumps, nappy rash, rubella (German measles), whooping cough.
Meningitis C, MMR (Measles, Mumps, and Rubella), Polio.
Antihistamines, aspirin, nicotine patches, NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), SSRIs (selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors), Zanamivir (Relenza).
Abdominal ultrasound scanning, coronary angiography, smear test (cervical smear), ultrasound scanning.
Pandemic flu, avian flu, stop smoking; archived topics: Relenza - influenza treatment and the NHS, SARS.
Site information
Site map, search the site, about Medinfo, technical, what's new, announcements, comments, questionnaire.